In times of high activity, it’s easy to get absorbed in the quotidian, responding to every opportunity and crisis and abandoning more playful pursuits. Yet in so doing WE LOSE OUR GREATEST STRENGTH. If anarchist practices are finally gaining currency, it is because they’ve had time and space to gestate at the margins, outside the logic of narrowly goal-oriented thinking. THOSE WHO DOMINATE THE PRESENT ABDICATE THE FUTURE: one must step back from the demands of this world to attune oneself to the secret tremors hinting at worlds to come.
Lest we lose our edge, THE EXPERIMENTATION COMMITTEE has been hard at work on a new publication, VORTEXT, the contents of which HAVE NOTHING TO DO with the recent surge of social movements. Vortext explores speculative philosophy, nihilist performance art, black magic, and MAXIMUM FUCKING ULTRAISM, celebrating the nonfunctional, non-productive, and irrational. OUTLIERS TO THE FRONT!
Each copy features a lovingly letter-pressed cover and further printing STOLEN FROM OUR FUCKING ENEMIES. Proceeds from Vortext, HOWEVER SCANTY, will offset the legal expenses of the various contributing FELONY DEFENDANTS. We encourage readers to support the Asheville 11, surely among the most NONFUNCTIONAL, NON-PRODUCTIVE, AND IRRATIONAL anarchist defendants of recent years.
Vortext is to anarchist literature what ÜMLAÜT was to hardcore and the MARQUIS DE SADE was to political prisoners. Vortext is the perfect gift for every fugitive trying to figure out what Wittgenstein can tell her about FACING CONSPIRACY CHARGES. Vortext is NOT FOR EVERYONE and it’s probably NOT FOR YOU.
This first and possibly last issue includes, inter alia,
A Prelude • Midnight on September 11/In Praise of the Jumper A Manifesto • Beware the Experimentation Committee A Demand • Join the Experimentation Committee A Libretto • Passionism, Consonance, TERRIBLE FREEDOM

A Communiqué + Recipe • “Wiccans” Claim Attack on the APD A Play • The Anarchist Panel Discussion A Lecture • All the Terrible Things We Do to Each Other A Cenotaph • Self-Destruction A Fable • The Magician and the Needle